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Chris M –
5 Stars
Eric I –
Boring at times, but a SAFE and profitable way to trade futures. I’ll take boring over gut wrenching any time!
Alex B –
5 Stars
Carlton –
Helps to keep you disciplined
John D –
i’ve heard Tony say we are sick of him repeating the trades and talking all the time but I find the repition of color commentary of whats happening in the room to be valuable to me.
Ralph L –
5 Stars
Bill M –
Trading is a solitary business. The Trade Room is an anchor for providing daily cameraderie with fellow traders who along with you are trying to stick to their rules and develop the art of patience.
Graham K –
Either live or the videos, always something to learn on trade set-ups and the soft skills required for consistent trading
Christopher F –
5 Stars
Matthias –
3 Stars
Alan R –
5 Stars
Mark –
4 Stars
John A –
5 Stars
Michael W –
Trade room is straight forward trading, there is nothing hidden from view. All trades are called in advance and the outcomes are there for all to see. It’s a very fun, relaxed place and you will feel at home in a very short time.
Eric –
Good application of the system. Calling out setups where possible (a little more), may assist the newbies.