Day Trading Videos That Will Challenge What You Think You Already Know About Day Trading

We have regular live educational events for our traders and visitors that we record and make available to you.


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We Have Trading Programs For All Traders. New Beginner or Seasoned Veteran, We Have Programs To Advance Your Trading Career.


Most videos 2 minutes or less. Notice how the trades are the same thing over and over again. You don't need to know everything about Day Trading. Just a few simple indicators and rules to make you a confident and consistent trader.

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Monday - Friday

9 am until 12 Noon Eastern US time

Moderator on microphone beginning at 9:35 am

Day Trading These Futures Instruments

Gold (GC)*S&P 500 mini (ES)*
Crude Oil (CL)*DOW mini (YM)*
Nasdaq mini (NQ)*Russell 2000 mini (RTY)*

*Subject to change based on volatility and liquidity


1 WEEK FREE Trade Room Trial

Join our award winning trade room for 5 Days!



From Our Traders



Find out quickly if PullBack Trading with The Intentional Trader sounds like a good fit to be your new trading home. 7 videos (aproximately 6 minutes each) with clear and conscise information about our trading system, the indicators, and our educational materials.

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We have the right payment option for you to make your investment decision in our programs easy.

Choose how you want to pay during checkout

Choose your preferred investment option during the checkout process.

Program Investment Options Type Of Payment Costs
Single Payment PayPal or Credit Card Regular credit card charges if not paid off before next billing cycle
Pay Later PayPal Credit - Pay in 4 No interest. No Fees.
Pay Later PayPal Credit – Pay Monthly No Fees. Interest charges apply.
Pay-To-Try Small nonrefundable payment then balance in 2 weeks $100-$300 Fee

Starter Membership Program

Starter Program


The Starter Program is designed for people that just want to dip their toes in to see what this is all about. You are not really sure what you want out of trading in the long run. Maybe you are brand new to trading or have been at it a long time. You are just very tentative about trying something new so you want to proceed slowly and with caution.

I Choose This

Pro Trader Membership Program

Pro Trader Program


The Pro Trader program is for the person that is ready to really get serious about their trading. You do not want Day Trading to be just your hobby. You expect to generate a regular income from it. You want the lifestyle of being your own boss living by your own rules. You are willing to put in the extra work to achieve the success that others just won't do. You are All-In and ready to get started on your new career.

I Choose This

Extra Income Membership Program

Extra Income Program


The Extra Income program is for the person that wants to be a good trader but is not planning to make a career out of it any time soon. You enjoy trading but have other interests that take up a good deal of your time and keeps you from being able to do a lot of after hours work that Pro Traders will do. In your mind, it would be nice to earn your living as a day trader, but right now, its more of a hobby.

I Choose This

100% Functional Guarantee

You are protected by our 100% Guarantee.

If our support staff is unable to get your indicators to function as advertised, you can get a full refund within 90 days after your purchase. If you have any problems with our indicators, just get in touch with our friendly support team and let them know. If they can not resolve the issues, they will give you a swift refund.


What Charts Will This Work On?

Our Indicators will work on any chart type BUT if you want to trade like us you will have to use a time based chart (Specifically 1-minute chart) We personally think that using any other chart besides a time-based chart is a bad idea. Time based charts tell us exactly what is happening and shows us how the market is naturally moving.

Will this work on any other platforms besides NinjaTrader?

Our indicators work with NinjaTrader 7 and NinjaTrader 8. We have tried in the past to develop all of this for many other trading platforms (MT4, Tradestation, Think or Swim) but those platforms have proven to be too fragile in order to run our high performance indicators. BUT you can chart with NinjaTrader for a small cost of data and place trades on your preferred platform. All you need is the charts with NinjaTrader.

How Long Until I Am A Successful Trader?

This question is a lot like asking "How Long Until I'm A Good Golfer?" After buying golf clubs and a trainer. The answer is: It depends on YOU. How hard are you willing to work. If you are willing to put in the work, Follow our training program, log your trades and analyze them, and do this consistently, Then it will happen fast. But if you just trade 1-2 times a week and you don't practice your trading often and you just trade when you feel like it... Then it will take quite a bit longer

What Are The Trade Room Hours And Instruments

The Trade room is open from 9:00am Eastern US - 12:00pm noon Eastern US. We trade the ES, RTY, YM, NQ, CL, and GC on 1 minute charts. The trade room is moderated by our head trader, Tony, and he calls the trades out live as they are setting up and gives clear calls on when he is placing a buy/sell order.

What are the Targets and Stops

We trade for a 5 tick Target and a 7 Tick stop. Now before you scroll away and think "Oh that is not enough" let me explain. I want you to pull up a chart... ANY chart and find the trends. You will find that there are ALWAYS pullbacks within that trend. That is where we take our trades. 5 ticks can be very lucrative and once you have the skills you can trade multiple contracts. Our 7 tick stop is often managed for a smaller loss (We never make our stops larger). When the conditions of the trade change then we manage our stops and often times our losing trades are actually Break-even.

Ok i'm in. What Can I Expect After Joining

Welcome aboard! We’re happy to have you join us. After joining you will receive emails with all of the instructions you need for logging into your members area and taking advantage of the products and services provided with your program. Our products are easy to import into NinjaTrader or can be installed on your platform using an easy application installer. Just double click, and the installer takes care of the rest. For those that have joined our Pro Trader program, we’re happy to have our tech guy remotely connect to your computer and set everything up for you. This is just part of the priority support services that our Pro Trader participants enjoy. Our 5 star support service is only an email or chat away at any time. Please do not be shy about asking for support. That’s what the support staff is for. They are very technically oriented as well as being professional traders.

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